[DB4O]面向对象db4o 7.9 发布

db4o Supports Latest Android Release and More Object Types

Newsletter 50: Download db4o 7.9

db4o 7.9 Release is available for immediate download! For more details please check the release notes.

Highlighted Contributions
from the community projects blog

  • Intro to SODA and Native Queries: Check these two nice blog posts that serve as primers to SODA and Native Queries (some parts in Chinese). Check this blog for more db4o entries by the author.
  • New db4objects Valued Professionals (dVP) for 2009: We're glad to announce the second round of db4objects Valued Professionals (dVP) for 2009. For this second round we have selected 27 new dVPs and decided to make a special mention to the top 5 supporters of the db4o community for 2009 (total number of dVPs now amounts to 152 individuals in 33 countries).
  • Developer Toolset with db4o: db4o advocate Neil Martin shows us which technologies are a must have when starting a new .NET project. Featured projects: db4o, Nant (Ant for .NET), NBehave (for testing), MOQ (for mocking) and Unfuddle (a service for Git and Subversion hosting).
  • New "Getting Started with db4o" Video: In this video db4o expert Eric Falsken introduces us to db4o in a quickstart demo using Visual Studio, C# and the free Object Manager Enterprise (OME) tool to browse and query the database in the example.
  • db4o Performance Tuning Revisited: A must read for any db4oer trying to squeeze out up to the last drop of performance from db4o, this blog post is a follow up on Brad Cross' time series application performance tuning experiments. You'll see recommendations for dealing with: cascading, indexes, weak references and activation depth (with many code examples).
  • Gathering Common Persisten Model Patterns (Call to Arms!): Did you come up with a nice way to deal with your persistent model that lends itself naturally to object database technology? Do you think that you can contribute a persistent model pattern that can help developers deal with object databases in an elegant way? If at least one of the above is affirmative you definitely want to check the latest ODBMS.org's call for submissions.
  • New project: Proxy based activation for db4o: Erik Putrycz just shared a library that enables transparent activation and persistence without using any instrumentation. Version 1.0 is compatible with db4o v7.8 and requires only the core

Kudos of the Month
from the db4o Kudos Blog

"I'm tired of fighting the orM battle, L2S, SubSonic, NHibernate, Lightspeed, etc. They're all great products but painful to use because they are all 'bandages' on the problem of object-relational impedance. So I thought I'd try something different, db4o. db4o is an object database. No tables, no orM, nada. Just POCO love, it's like the repository pattern on steroids"
Michael Hall

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